Sunday, February 22, 2009


Life is all about change. I mean, if you're not moving forward, you're falling behind... or what's worse... you grow stagnant.
And, as of late, (especially professionally) I feel as though I am growing more and more stagnant by the day.
That's why I told them a few days ago that I was going to stay another month, then I am gone.
Now, this wasn't just a random decision that I wanted to quit my job. It's been in the works for a while now. And I didn't quit without a Plan B. I do have another job lined up. It just doesn't happen to start until the end of March.
They took it well, ummmm... as well as could be expected. I have personal ties that go back at least a decade with most of them. My boss says she thinks I am making a mistake, which she later clarified that the reason why I was making a mistake was because who would bring her chocolate and mountain dew?
I've reiterated several times that this is not a loyalty issue. I'm not even staying in the same line of work. If I were leaving for a competitor, well, yeah... it would be like me flipping the metaphorical bird at all of them. I'm just ready to pursue a different career angle... one with exponentially more job growth and opportunity. Something I could see myself in for a long while... and one where I won't feel the desperate need to shower immediately upon returning home. Wearing jeans to work is a plus, too.
So, wish me luck. Yes, I am a little scared to be doing something I have never done before... but the excitement of something new trumps the fear.

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