Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Snow Days

We’re essentially having snow days where I live. This is an area that doesn’t get much snow so when it snows for several days in a row it tends to throw everyone and everything into confusion. I went to the grocery store this morning and I was completely discombobulated because there were moms and kids everywhere. Of course, kids out from school today. I was colliding with kids around every corner. The roads were safe but the grocery store wasn’t.

Is there anyone who doesn’t like snow days? When we’re kids we love them because it means time out of school. I discovered a few years ago when I was teaching part-time at a college that teachers love them just as much as kids do. When there was the hint of snow I’d get up early and pray for the powers-that-be to call in and cancel school just as fervently as any student. I know that sounds terrible. I actually loved teaching. But there’s something about an unexpected day off that really makes me happy. And going to school day after day, week after week can take a toll on anyone. I think we all need little breaks.

So, I’m enjoying the snow we have on the ground right now. There’s just enough snow to vary the routine. Not enough snow to cause any real problems. There are no power outages in the area. The temperatures are not any lower than normal. I don’t think the snow is hurting anyone. And it’s still pretty outside. It hasn’t turned to slush or become muddy. In fact, the snow is still falling tonight and more is supposed to fall tomorrow. It makes a good excuse to bundle up in the house and stay warm. I bought brownies and muffins at the store -- I also used the snow as an excuse to indulge my sweet tooth. I reasoned that since I would be cooped up in the house I should treat myself. Naps seem to be in order, too. Even though I work at home and the snow should not have much impact on my ability to work, I am using it as an excuse to work less. I really can’t explain that decision but it feels right.

On this snowy February evening I will be warm indoors enjoying muffins and watching the snow fall. It’s a nice, safe feeling to have the cold outside and to feel comforted indoors. Somehow it brings to mind centuries of people keeping the cold at bay. I hope your evening is just as warm and good.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you. I think I love that it's something no one can control and it shakes up the routine a little. It makes the whole world feel different for just a little while, and it's nice. Even if sometimes it makes me end up in a ditch on the side of the road.
