Saturday, February 21, 2009

I like PETA. It's like David Lynch for Kids.

I put a tiara and a dress and lipstick on a fish. On a PETA website. Today, I am complete.

In further response:

And some particularly cute sea kittens of note:

And the Sea Tiger, a close relative of the sea kitten.

So what can I do?

* According to this press release, PETA's Ashley Byrne is touring the country, giving talks to schools that serve Sea Kittens in the cafeteria. The number to call if you want to invite her to your neck of the woods is 757-622-7382.

* Add Sea Kittens to your friends list on Facebook! Let them know that they're simply adorable, and not in the slightest bit misjudged and creepy.

* Make your own Sea Kitten at the website.

* Eat vegetarian sushi. This has nothing to do with Sea Kittens, it is actually pretty tasty.

* Find as many places where the plight of these beautiful creatures will not be trivialized or WTF'd at (such as your college friends or internet forums) and make sure to spread the word.

* "Ask the U.S. Fish Sea Kitten and Wildlife Services to Stop Promoting the Hunting of Sea Kittens." And use THOSE EXACT WORDS. It says to on the website.

* Ask them if they have any recipes for Ikizukuri.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I feel responsible for that post! I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Why is that poor live fish on the table?

    Well, okay, the other stuff is pretty funny. You're cruel, Matt.
