Friday, February 6, 2009

Housecleaning and Vegetarianism

Okay, so I am finally done with my housecleaning. I have a roommate, but he is literally never here (one of my friends stated that I have all of the perks of having a roommate but none of the drawbacks, which, is quite stunningly accurate,) and I just cleaned house last week. So how in the world does my house get screwed up again to such a great extent in such a short amount of time?
Sometimes I think I have little elves that come out when I am sleeping, and wreak havoc on everything just to mess with me. Hey, it's not that far-fetched. Stranger things have happened.
So, this left me on my day off, cleaning house for hours, making sure the laundry is put up and the dishes and floors are clean... all so that no one will see it (not even my roommate, probably.)
Someone come hang out so I feel as though my housecleaning had a purpose!
And another thing, I got attacked today because I eat meat. And it was by someone I really don't even know that well. I've never attacked anyone on their own personal beliefs. I think we're all entitled to them. All I ask is that you return the favor. I just happened to choose to be a carnivore. Yes, it was a choice, my choice, so get off my back. I have a very live-and-let-live policy. Until you piss me off.
With that said, it's Friday night and I am off of work (amazingly.) Please forgive me if I leave now to find something to do. Or nap. I'm kinda tired.

1 comment:

  1. You were attacked because you eat meat? Have them visit this site: I like their slogan: MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT! MEAT!

