Sunday, February 1, 2009


I just got through reading my monthly horoscope at Susan Miller does these horoscopes and they are the best I have ever seen. I’ve been reading them for years and they are so accurate they are almost frightening. In fact, I have sent these horoscopes to people who don’t believe in horoscopes at all and made believers out of them.

My current horoscope (I’m a PIsces so this is my birthday month) sounds great. It’s supposed to be a good month creatively, financially and romantically(!!!!). I’m just a little confused because I’m supposed to spend the first three weeks meditating as a recluse. LOL Well, those aren’t the words used in the horoscope, but that’s what they amount to when you put it all together. Hmm, so three weeks alone, thinking and being very right-brainish. I just don’t know how I’m supposed to get so much accomplished if I’m all alone letting my brain roam free. If I start lying around dreaming and daydreaming my brain could end up anywhere and it might not want to come back.

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t believe in horoscopes you may be wondering how any semi-intelligent person could put any stock in something so archaic. Well, why not? What does it hurt? And, if you read books about astrology, I think there’s at least some validity to it. Haven’t we all known people who did seem to fit their astrological sign? I’ve learned that the more you know about someone’s birth horoscope, the more insights it does seem to give you into their character and behavior.

(You can get a free Birth Chart at this web site.)

Okay, I know by now you probably think I’m nuts but it really doesn’t matter. I think astrology is interesting. Being interested in astrology does not have to mean that you believe in predestination. Quite the contrary. Knowing the currents of events can give you warnings about things before they happen so you can change them. That’s what I think anyway. You can even change yourself and your own personality. You can become aware of some of your own weaknesses and improve yourself.

Those are my thoughts on the subject.

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