Monday, February 2, 2009

Why Warm and Fuzzy Is Bad

I can sympathize with J-Matt. It seems I never sleep much either anymore. Maybe it’s all the soft drinks I’ve been drinking. Or the pot of coffee I drink everyday. Or the TV I have on all night. Or maybe it’s the dogs that want up and down on the bed all through the night. But I just seem to sleep in pieces. After I’ve had a night like that I sometimes get the feeling that I’m only sleepwalking through the next day. Not a good feeling. It’s like being one of the walking dead.

I was watching the game last night (Didn’t I tell you the Steelers were evil?) and I had this thought -- more of a realization -- that what I want in my life more than anything else is that which is REAL. Maybe it was the football players putting big hits on people, or the way they hit the ground, or the effort they were putting into the game. I don’t know what it was. But it made me think that there was something real about it and that’s what I wanted, too. That’s why I liked it.

I want everything in my life to be real. I want facts over theory. I want evidence. I want experience over idealism. I get tired of people with good intentions who don’t know anything. I get tired of idiots. I get tired of the world being run by people who are all about warm, fuzzy feelings.

All through my life I was told that if you worked hard and got a good education that you would go far. That’s what I did. Now I’m here and the world is being run by people who have big hearts and no brains. Or, worse, it’s being run by manipulative bastards who use the people with hearts and no brains. So many people don’t care about the facts of a situation at all. What matters is personality, looks, public relations, money, catch phrases, easy answers that can be understood by the dumbest people.

Sorry for the rant. We probably all know a situation where this applies. And, it’s probably hopeless.

I’m not usually so depressing. I’ve just been fighting one particular battle for a long time and now it’s on my doorstep so I’m a little edgy about it.

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