Sunday, February 8, 2009

Password Verification Form

SO... I was reminded that i needed to post on here as a guest author/author. I remember signing up for this account a few days to a week ago. I did not previously have a gmail account and i had to create one (which only took about three minutes so it was fine).

I was going to do a quick post tonight about something that has been on my mind lately. I sat down at the computer about half an hour ago with the full intention to write the blog. And unfortunately i couldn't remember my password. I tried several of them, all to no avail. Then i recalled that gmail told me i had to have numbers and letters in my password and that it had to be a certain amount of characters long.

I tried a few combination and nothing was working. I eventually decided to give up attempting on my own and asking gmail for a bit of assistance. It was glad to help, and told me that the account in question didnt even exist... This throughly annoyed me. No wonder none of the passwords were working... lol

I opened a sixth tab, trying to figure it out... went to and was automatically signed in and didnt even realise it. It was usi9ng my primary email account as the passcode, and not the gmail account i thought i had signed up for in the first damn place.

Now, to sign into the blogspot server. The password isnt working...

The second isnt working...

Nor the third...

Im on my second cigarette by now, and totally ignoring that my phone is telling me i have a text message wiating on the charger in the kitchen. I am beyond annoyed.

I had to have my password sent to me. Gmail doesnt do that anymore... It simply allows you to reset it. Which is always fun. Now i know it... and will more than likely forget it by the time this is even posted.

2 accounts....
3 cigs...
1 blog...
2 captchas...
almost 1 hour of my life.

all for this? is the enhanced security we have to deal with these days really worth the so called convience that the sites give to us?

i have to enter my log in ID... my passcode... and answer a security question every single time i want to check my bank account. Should logging into a blog really be as difficult? Does gmail have the gaul to think that they are that high up on the interweb foodchain? Is it a good thing? or maybe a bad?

You Tell Me.


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