Saturday, January 31, 2009

...but I can't sleep.

I think it's just one of those situations where too many thoughts are racing through your mind at full speed.
I've been thinking about a lot of things lately. Do I like where I am professionally? Do I like where I stand as far as my education is concerned? Where is this blog going, and is it pointless?
The answers are:
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
As far as my job goes, at the rate the economy is going (yes, I know you're sick of hearing about it/talking about it, as am I, trust me) I'm glad to have a job that is still going successfully and appears to have a future throughout the rough months/years that lie ahead. Did I think 10 years ago I would be doing this job? No. If you would have told me I would still be doing this job 10 years ago, would I have shot myself and gotten it over with? Yes. But looking at the situation as a whole, it's really not that bad. I like the people I work with and work for, for starters, and that's more than many can say about their jobs altogether.
I wish I would've gotten a Bachelor's in something slightly more useful to the general public. But it's something I enjoy, and for some reason, people seem marginally impressed when you mention you have a B.A. in English Literature and Composition, (much less your ability to tolerate the public school system long enough to attain a teaching license) regardless of its value in the workplace.
Which brings me to the blog. Overall, I think it's a good idea. It'll be more fun now that I have others joining in... and others seem ready and willing to write. And I think it's a good outlet.
So, I suppose only time will tell how things end up in all three areas. I'll still continue to think too much (which I shouldn't) and fail to get sleep (which I desperately need.)
January's over. 11/12 more of 2009 to go, if I can just hang in there.

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